Prospect Place
412 Prospect Avenue
Wausau, WI 54403
Marathon Residential and Counseling Services, Inc. offers residential and treatment options for adults with developmental disabilities, mental illness or emotional disturbances and traumatic brain injuries. MRCS offers a regimen of services to adults as well as to their involved family and significant others. We are prepared to make extended commitments to meet long term needs while providing necessary service to meet the current needs of each client. Qualified staff work diligently with residents to broaden their options and enhance their independence. Flexibility continues to be our hallmark.
With those principles in mind, Prospect Place provides residential living and related services for four (4) adults in a home-like atmosphere, supervised at all times by adult care staff. Prospect Place, located at 412 Prospect Ave., Wausau, WI is able to easily accommodate four residents. However, the actual facility is only the beginning of a full range of services MRCS provides these residents.
Counseling Services
Counseling services take on the format that is most appropriate for the client. Each resident has the opportunity to meet individually with a Mental Health Therapist on a regular basis. Clients with AODA issues are provided in-house counseling, and also offered the option of participation in other community based support and treatment.
Group counseling services focus on such issues as social skills training, employment skills, as well as skill training for enhancing independent functioning and community readiness.
Through the years of providing residential and counseling services, Marathon Residential and Counseling Services has developed an approach to involve the families of residents in their daily lives and activities of the program. We have been able to provide both individual and family counseling services. We believe that family bonds are critically important to the ongoing stability and mental health of everyone. Furthermore, families are often in the best position to provide support and encouragement to the resident in their efforts to attain higher levels of independence and community adjustment. MRCS has a Therapist on staff that provides such services and also provides consultation to residential care staff.
Mental Health Assessment
Upon placement into any facility of Marathon Residential and Counseling Services, a mental health assessment may be requested. A report of findings and recommendations would be provided to the placing agency. That assessment is conducted by a Mental Health Therapist, on staff with MRCS. This assessment will include a thorough review of any and all available historical information.
Individualized Service Plan
A written Assessment and Individualized Service Plan will be developed and completed for each resident within 30 days after placement. Marathon Residential and Counseling Services will conduct a review of the Individual Service Plan every 6 months thereafter or more frequently if the situation warrants. Participants in this review will be the client, placing agent, guardian, MRCS personnel and any family and/or collateral providers deemed appropriate. For those residents that continue in a public educational program, school personnel may also participate. The goal will be to maintain the most appropriate programming for the resident at all times.
School liaison services are provided for any adult residents still involved in academic programming, wherever that programming may be. This will include daily monitoring of attendance, behavior and performance. We will also participate in any school meetings, with the agreement of the school and permission of the client and/or their guardian. While we recognize the client’s right to privacy, we firmly believe that our active participation is the surest way to a successful school experience.
Recreational activities are seen as an important part of programming, and as an opportunity to teach. It is always the goal to demonstrate healthy and socially acceptable time management while having fun. Residents are provided YMCA membership (with supervision), group outings to movies, community parks, restaurants, Brewers and Bucks games, trips to water parks and more as well as a range of in-house activities. Additionally, residents are given the opportunity to participate in community events, Special Olympics, fishing, camping, and traveling, dependent on the interests and abilities of the client. In the past, residents have had the opportunity to be exposed to such things as ice fishing, scuba diving, and water skiing. We try to match the activity to the resident.
All residents of Prospect Place must currently be ambulatory. MRCS vehicles and staff provide transportation when needed and public transportation is readily available, with a city bus stop close to the home. Prospect Place is centrally located in Wausau, and within walking distance of the downtown area. The Wausau Center Mall, Public Library, banks, grocery stores and other providers of service and entertainment are conveniently accessible.
All residents are supervised by a qualified adult care staff. The staff remain awake and available to residents 24 hours a day. Additional staff are available as needed for resident personal appointments and activities.
Additional Services
Other services include but are not limited to medication management, assistance with medical appointments, money management and decision making. Also offered is instruction with a hands on approach to menu planning, grocery shopping and meal preparation as well as routine house cleaning and laundry.
With an eye to the future, Marathon Residential and Counseling Services will always be considering what the long-term needs of its adult clients might be, not only in the coming months, but also in the years ahead. It will continue to be our intention to modify our programs to meet the lifelong needs of residents, or insure they are met through other avenues.
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